The execution of the Commerce Students’ Association’s 50+ events each year would not be possible without a team of dedicated individuals.

Melani Fernando


The President is one of two elected positions on the Executive Council which is directly responsible for overseeing the CSA Council. The President works closely with internal and external stakeholders to the Asper School of Business to better serve the undergraduate students. The President leads and supports a team including the Executive Council, Advocacy Representative, and the Executive Assistant.

[email protected]Connect with MelaniMeet the President's Portfolio

Christabel Agyei Gyamfi

Vice President Internal

The Vice President Internal (VPI) is one of two elected positions on the Executive Council which is primarily focused on internal relations of the CSA. The VPI works with the President to ensure the execution of the CSA’s strategic vision and success of the council as a whole. The VPI leads and supports a team including two (2) First Year Representatives, two (2) Human Resources Coordinators, Indigenous Representative and EDI Officer.

[email protected]Connect with ChristabelMeet the Internal Portfolio

Nick Ridley

Vice President Finance

The Vice President Finance (VPF) is responsible for ensuring the financial viability and sustainability of the council, with the primary goal being to ensure that there are ample funds to run the CSA’s events and services. The VPF leads and supports a team including the Accounts Receivable Coordinator, Accounts Payable Coordinator, Internal Auditor, Ticketing & Analytics Coordinator, and Data Coordinator to perform the day-to-day accounting functions and manage online ticketing for all CSA events.

[email protected]Connect with NickMeet the Finance Portfolio

Reis Best

Vice President Corporate Relations

The Vice President Corporate Relations (VPCR) is responsible for establishing and maintaining partnerships with the business community to build the Corporate Partners Program and increase sponsorship for events organized by the CSA and Student Action Groups (STAGs). The VPCR leads and supports a team of seven (7) Manager of Corporate Relations and one (1) Manager of Corporate Outreach.

[email protected]Connect with ReisMeet the Corporate Relations Portfolio

Gabrielle Baetiong

Vice President Marketing & Communications

The Vice President Marketing and Communications (VPM) is responsible for the strategic development and implementation of marketing campaigns and projects on a broad level for the CSA. The VPM ensures the cohesiveness of the CSA brand across all CSA council events and services as well as STAG events. The VPM leads and supports a team including the Digital Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, four (4) Content Creators, two (2) Merchandise Coordinators, and the Social Media Coordinator.

[email protected]Connect with GabrielleMeet the Marketing Portfolio

Shaelynn Su

Vice President Professional Development

The Vice President Professional Development (VPP) is responsible for conferences and professional networking events offered by the CSA. The Vice President Professional Development leads and supports a team including the Business Banquet Co-Chairs, National Business School Conference (NBSC) Co-Chairs, and External Events Coordinators. 

[email protected]Connect with ShaelynnMeet the Professional Development Portfolio

Angelinne Seguinte

Vice President Academics Events

The Vice President Academics (VPA) is responsible for academic initiatives and resources offered by the CSA. The Vice President Academics leads and supports a team including the Grad & Alumni Coordinators, Case Competition Coordinators, and Student Development Coordinators.

[email protected]Connect with AngelinneMeet the Academics Portfolio

Francine Alcedo

Vice President Community

The Vice President Community (VPC) is responsible for charity campaigns, volunteerism, and international engagement events offered by the CSA. The VPC leads and supports a team including the 5 Days Co-Chairs, Shinerama Co-Chairs, and International Engagement Co-Chairs.

[email protected]Connect with FrancineMeet the Community Portfolio

Saad Hayat

Vice President Student Life

The Vice President Student Life (VPSL) is responsible for initiatives and social events that enhance student life. The VPSL leads and supports a team including the Commerce Socials Co-Chairs, Commerce Cares Co-Chairs, and The Commerce Week Co-Chairs.

[email protected]Connect with SaadMeet the Student Life Portfolio