CSA Study Resource Guide

Welcome to the CSA Study Resource Guide! The CSA Study Resource Guide aims to be a comprehensive document that supports student learning and academic development. We know howoverwhelming it can be when you have multiple classes with multiple assignments to complete, so we created this guide as a way to provide you with study tips and resources to help you excel in vour classes.

This guide was put together by the CSA’s Student Development Coordinators, Jenna Buchwald and Jan Yvette Madarang, CSA’s Vice President Academics Angeline Seguinte, and with the help of content creator, Carol Girgis.

Before you continue reading, we would like to note that everything can be read as a stand-alone section so feel free to skip to which sections you feel most drawn to and come back whenever you need a refresher. We hope that you learn something of use by the end. Happy reading, and may you continue being an academic weapon!

CSA Study Guide